
I first had this dish at Brava’s in Healdsburg, California. Roasted garlic slathered on chunks of crusty bread were the perfect vehicle to layer on the marinated veggies onEach bite was heavenly.  I couldn’t wait to get back to my Bali kitchen to try it out. It’s a perfect appetizer or part of a tapas offering and will give you a gold star rating with family and guests.

Serves 4

Sherry Dressing Ingredients:

– 1 clove garlic, pressed

– 1 tsp. Sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar

– 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice

– 4 Tbl. extra virgin olive oil

– sea salt and pepper to taste


Roasted Veggies Ingredients:

– 2 large red bell peppers, roasted over the stove flame until blackened

– 1 large red onion, roasted over the stove flame until blackened

– 3 eggplants,

– 4 tomatoes

– 1 Tbl. olive oil

– 8 cloves of garlic, cut in half

– 1 recipe of Sherry dressing

– 3 Tbl. Italian parsley, choppped

– sea salt and pepper to taste

– 1 loaf of crusty country bread


Directions for the Dressing:

In a small bowl mix the pressed garlic with a pinch of salt until you have a paste. Then slowly add the Sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar and the lemon juice. When this is well mixed, slowly add the olive oil beating constantly. Add salt and pepper to taste give it a good mix and then set aside.


Directions for the  Escalivada:

Leaving the blackened skin on, cut the bell peppers and onion in half. Leave the eggplants and tomatoes whole.

Heat the oven broiler and put the oven rack up high, being careful not have it so high that the veggies will touch the flame. Smear anoven proof pan with olive oil and scatter the veggies over the oil along with the garlic halves. Slide the pan into the oven and allow the veggies to brown and darken further. From time to time turn the veggies.

Turn the broiler off and set the oven to 375 degrees F. Move the rack to the middle of the oven and bake the veggies until they are very soft about 20 minutes checking from time to time that they aren’t burning.  The tomatoes and red onion will be another 40 to 50 minutes to give them a deep flavor.

When all are cooked remove the veggies from the oven and let them cool until you can handle them. Scrape the blackened skins from the peppers, onion and eggplants. Slip the skin off the tomatoes.

Remove the seeds from the peppers and tomatoes. Cut all the veggies into fat slivers. Put all of these into a bowl along with the roasted garlic halves and add the dressing. Toss gently, add the chopped parsley and check for salt and pepper. Let this marinate for a good hour or longer. Enjoy the Escalivada at room temperature or slightly warm.

Toast thick slices of bread to serve with individual pots of Escalivada. Each diner layers the roasted veggies onto the bread. You can also smear the toast with roasted garlic, or raw garlic if you’re brave.


¡Buen provecho! – that’s Spanish for enjoy your meal




Untuk 4 orang

Bahan bahan untuk saos:

– 1 siung bawang putih

– 1 tsp. cuka Sherry atau cuka anggur merah (bisa beli di Dijon)

– 1 tsp. jus jeruk lemon

– 4 Tbl. minyak olive

– garam laut dan merica secukupnya


Bahan Bahan:

– 2 paprika yang merah besar, bakar di atas kompor, dipotong menjadi dua

– 1 bawang yang merah, bakar di atas kompor, dipotong menjadi dua

– 3 terong

– 4 tomat yang sudah matang

– 8 siung bawang putih, keluar kulit dan dipotong menjadi dua

– 1 Tbl. minyak olive

– 1 recep saos cuka sherry

– 3 Tbl. parsley Italian, potong sedang

– garam laut dan merica


Cara Membuat Saos:

Bawang putih di tekan/pres, kemudian tambahkan 1 jari garam. Kemudian tambahkan sedikit  demi sedikit cuka sherry dan jus lemon. Waktu ini sudah rata, tambahkan  sedikit demi sedikit minyak olive.  Tambahkan garam dan merica secukupnya dan taruh di samping.


Cara Membuat Escalivada:

Panaskan oven dengan broiler (api atas) dan taruh rak dekat api, tapi jangan terlalu dekat sekali. Masukkan paprika, bawang merah, terong, bawang putih dan tomat kedalam cetakan olesi dengan minyak dan taruh di oven. Taruh semua ini dibawah api supaya kulitnya gosong.  Setelah gosong, balik untuk masak sisi yang lain.

Panaskan oven ke 375 derajat F dan pakai rak yang di tengah oven. Masukkan semua bahan sudah dibakar kedalam cetakan keramik dan masak kira kira  20 menit . Periksa terong, paprika dan bawang putih, kalau sudah lemas keluarkan dari oven. Biarkan tomat dan bawang dimasak lebih lama  40 – 50 menit lagi.  Keluar dari oven dan biarkan dingin sedikit. Keluar kulit dari terong, paprika dan bawang.  Keluar biji dari paprika. Potong semua bahan memanjang.  Potong tomat setengah, keluar biji dan potong memanjang.

Taruh semua di dalam mangkok dan tambahkan saos. Aduk bagus. Tambahkan daun parsley, garam dan merica. Lebih enak dimakan dalam keadaan hangat.